package sample.snippet object LazyLib { /** Data type of suspended computations. */ abstract class Susp[+A] extends Function0[A] class SuspImpl[A](lazyValue: => A) extends Susp[A] { private var maybeValue: Option[A] = None override def apply() = { println("apply() is called.") maybeValue match { case None => val value = lazyValue maybeValue = Some(value) value case Some(value) => value } } override def toString() = maybeValue match { case None => "Susp(?)" case Some(value) => "Susp(" + value + ")" } } /** Delay the evaluation of an expression until it is needed. */ def delay[A](value: => A): Susp[A] = new SuspImpl[A](value) /** Get the value of the delayed expression. */ implicit def force[A](s: Susp[A]): A = s() } object LazyEvaluation { import LazyLib._ def main(args: Array[String]) = { val s: Susp[Int] = delay { println("evaluating..."); 3 } println("s = " + s) // show that s is unevaluated println("s() = " + s()) // evaluate a println("s = " + s) // show that the value is saved println("2 + s = " + (2 + s)) // implicit call to force() println println val s1 = delay { Some(3) } val s11: Susp[Some[Int]] = s1 val s12: Susp[Option[Int]] = s11 // the type is covariant println("s12 = " + s12) println("s12() = " + s12()) println("s12 = " + s12) } }
val s12: Susp[Option[Int]] = s11 // the type is covariant
s = Susp(?) apply() is called. evaluating... s() = 3 s = Susp(3) apply() is called. 2 + s = 5 s12 = Susp(?) apply() is called. s12() = Some(3) s12 = Susp(Some(3))