One Div Zero: Monads are Elephants Part 3の翻訳続き。
The Second Zero Law: M to Zero in Nothing Flat(第2のゼロの法則:すぐにMをゼロにする)
The reverse of the zero identity law looks like this
- MZ2. m flatMap {x => mzero} ≡ mzero
Basically this says that replacing everything with nothing results in nothing which um...sure. This law just formalizes your intuition about how zeros "flatten."
The Third and Fourth Zero Laws: Plus(第3と第4のゼロの法則:加算)
Monads that have zeros can also have something that works a bit like addition. For List, the "plus" equivalent is ":::" and for Option it's "orElse." Whatever it's called its signature will look this
class M[A] { ... def plus(other:M[B >: A]): M[B] = ... }
orElse [B >: A](alternative : => Option[B]) : Option[B]
If the option is nonempty return it, otherwise return the result of evaluating an alternative expression.
Plus has the following two laws which should make sense: adding anything to a zero is that thing.
The plus laws don't say much about what "m plus n" is if neither is a monadic zero. That's left entirely up to you and will vary quite a bit depending on the monad. Typically, if concatenation makes sense for the monad then that's what plus will be. Otherwise, it will typically behave like an "or," returning the first non-zero value.
加算の法則は「m plus n」の両方ともがモナド的にゼロである場合についてのことは何も言っていてません。
Filtering Revisited(フィルタリング再び)
In the previous installment I briefly mentioned that filter can be seen in purely monadic terms, and monadic zeros are just the trick to seeing how. As a reminder, a filterable monad looks like this
class M[A] { def map[B](f: A => B):M[B] = ... def flatMap[B](f: A=> M[B]): M[B] = ... def filter(p: A=> Boolean): M[A] = ... }
The filter method is completely described in one simple law
- FIL1. m filter p ≡ m flatMap {x => if(p(x)) unit(x) else mzero}
We create an anonymous function that takes x and either returns unit(x) or mzero depending on what the predicate says about x. This anonymous function is then used in a flatMap. Here are a couple of results from this
- m filter {x => true} ≡ m filter {x => true} // identity
- m filter {x => true} ≡ m flatMap {x => if (true) unit(x) else mzero} // by FIL1
- m filter {x => true} ≡ m flatMap {x => unit(x)} // by definition of if
- FIL1a. m filter {x => true} ≡ m // by M1
So filtering with a constant "true" results in the same object. Conversely
- m filter {x => false} ≡ m filter {x => false} // identity
- m filter {x => false} ≡ m flatMap {x => if (false) unit(x) else mzero} // by FIL1
- m filter {x => false} ≡ m flatMap {x => mzero} // by definition of if
- FIL1b. m filter {x => false} ≡ mzero // by MZ1
Filtering with a constant false results in a monadic zero.
Side Effects(副作用)
Throughout this article I've implicitly assumed no side effects. Let's revisit our second functor law
- m map g map f ≡ m map {x => (f(g(x)) }
If m is a List with several elements, then the order of the operations will be different between the left and right side. On the left, g will be called for every element and then f will be called for every element. On the right, calls to f and g will be interleaved. If f and g have side effects like doing IO or modifying the state of other variables then the system might behave differently if somebody "refactors" one expression into the other.
The moral of the story is this: avoid side effects when defining or using map, flatMap, and filter. Stick to foreach for side effects. Its very definition is a big warning sign that reordering things might cause different behavior.
Speaking of which, where are the foreach laws? Well, given that foreach returns no result, the only real rule I can express in this notation is
- m foreach f ≡ ()
Which would imply that foreach does nothing. In a purely functional sense that's true, it converts m and f into a void result. But foreach is meant to be used for side effects - it's an imperative construct.
Conclusion for Part 3(パート3の結論)
Up until now, I've focused on Option and List to let your intuition get a feel for monads. With this article you've finally seen what really makes a monad a monad. It turns out that the monad laws say nothing about collections; they're more general than that. It's just that the monad laws happen to apply very well to collections.
In part 4 I'm going to present a full grown adult elephant er monad that has nothing collection-like about it and is only a container if seen in the right light.
Here's the obligatory Scala to Haskell cheet sheet showing the more important laws
Scala | Haskell | |
FM1 | m map f ≡ m flatMap {x => unit(f(x))} | fmap f m ≡ m >>= \x -> return (f x) |
M1 | m flatMap unit ≡ m | m >>= return ≡ m |
M2 | unit(x) flatMap f ≡ f(x) | (return x) >>= f ≡ f x |
M3 | m flatMap g flatMap f ≡ m flatMap {x => g(x) flatMap f} | (m >>= f) >>= g ≡ m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g) |
MZ1 | mzero flatMap f ≡ mzero | mzero >>= f ≡ mzero |
MZ2 | m flatMap {x => mzero} ≡ mzero | m >>= (\x -> mzero) ≡ mzero |
MZ3 | mzero plus m ≡ m | mzero 'mplus' m ≡ m |
MZ4 | m plus mzero ≡ m | m 'mplus' mzero ≡ m |
FIL1 | m filter p ≡ m flatMap {x => if(p(x)) unit(x) else mzero} | mfilter p m ≡ m >>= (\x -> if p x then return x else mzero) |