Fight the Future




     * Gets a graph produced from the intrinsic for a given method that can be compiled and
     * installed for the method.
    public StructuredGraph getIntrinsicGraph(ResolvedJavaMethod method, HotSpotProviders providers, CompilationIdentifier compilationId, OptionValues options, DebugContext debug) {
        Replacements replacements = providers.getReplacements();
        Bytecode subst = replacements.getSubstitutionBytecode(method);
        if (subst != null) {
            ResolvedJavaMethod substMethod = subst.getMethod();
            assert !substMethod.equals(method);
            StructuredGraph graph = new StructuredGraph.Builder(options, debug, AllowAssumptions.YES).method(substMethod).compilationId(compilationId).build();


        public StructuredGraph build() {
            return new StructuredGraph(name, rootMethod, entryBCI, assumptions, speculationLog, useProfilingInfo, compilationId, options, debug, cancellable);


    private StructuredGraph(String name,
                    ResolvedJavaMethod method,
                    int entryBCI,
                    Assumptions assumptions,
                    SpeculationLog speculationLog,
                    boolean useProfilingInfo,
                    CompilationIdentifier compilationId,
                    OptionValues options,
                    DebugContext debug,
                    Cancellable cancellable) {
        super(name, options, debug);
        this.setStart(add(new StartNode()));
        this.rootMethod = method;
        this.graphId = uniqueGraphIds.incrementAndGet();
        this.compilationId = compilationId;
        this.entryBCI = entryBCI;
        this.assumptions = assumptions;
        this.speculationLog = speculationLog;
        this.useProfilingInfo = useProfilingInfo;
        this.cancellable = cancellable;

this.setStart(add(new StartNode()));で開始ノードを作っていることはわかります。スーパークラスorg.graalvm.compiler.graph.Graphのコンストラクタも見ます。

     * Creates an empty Graph with a given name.
     * @param name the name of the graph, used for debugging purposes
    public Graph(String name, OptionValues options, DebugContext debug) {
        nodes = new Node[INITIAL_NODES_SIZE];
        iterableNodesFirst = new ArrayList<>(NodeClass.allocatedNodeIterabledIds());
        iterableNodesLast = new ArrayList<>(NodeClass.allocatedNodeIterabledIds()); = name;
        this.options = options;
        assert debug != null;
        this.debug = debug;

        if (isModificationCountsEnabled()) {
            nodeModCounts = new int[INITIAL_NODES_SIZE];
            nodeUsageModCounts = new int[INITIAL_NODES_SIZE];



    public CompilationResult compile(ResolvedJavaMethod method, int entryBCI, boolean useProfilingInfo, CompilationIdentifier compilationId, OptionValues options, DebugContext debug) {
        StructuredGraph graph = createGraph(method, entryBCI, useProfilingInfo, compilationId, options, debug);
        CompilationResult result = new CompilationResult(compilationId);
        return compileHelper(CompilationResultBuilderFactory.Default, result, graph, method, entryBCI, useProfilingInfo, options);


    public CompilationResult compileHelper(CompilationResultBuilderFactory crbf, CompilationResult result, StructuredGraph graph, ResolvedJavaMethod method, int entryBCI, boolean useProfilingInfo,
                    OptionValues options) {

        HotSpotBackend backend = graalRuntime.getHostBackend();
        HotSpotProviders providers = backend.getProviders();
        Suites suites = getSuites(providers, options);
        LIRSuites lirSuites = getLIRSuites(providers, options);
        ProfilingInfo profilingInfo = useProfilingInfo ? method.getProfilingInfo(!isOSR, isOSR) : DefaultProfilingInfo.get(TriState.FALSE);
        OptimisticOptimizations optimisticOpts = getOptimisticOpts(profilingInfo, options);
        boolean shouldDebugNonSafepoints = providers.getCodeCache().shouldDebugNonSafepoints();
        PhaseSuite<HighTierContext> graphBuilderSuite = configGraphBuilderSuite(providers.getSuites().getDefaultGraphBuilderSuite(), shouldDebugNonSafepoints, isOSR);
        GraalCompiler.compileGraph(graph, method, providers, backend, graphBuilderSuite, optimisticOpts, profilingInfo, suites, lirSuites, result, crbf);


    private List<BasePhase<? super C>> phases;
    protected void run(StructuredGraph graph, C context) {
        for (BasePhase<? super C> phase : phases) {
            phase.apply(graph, context);


 * Parses the bytecodes of a method and builds the IR graph.
public class GraphBuilderPhase extends BasePhase<HighTierContext> {
    protected void run(StructuredGraph graph, HighTierContext context) {
        new Instance(context.getMetaAccess(), context.getStampProvider(), context.getConstantReflection(), context.getConstantFieldProvider(), graphBuilderConfig, context.getOptimisticOptimizations(),


    // Fully qualified name is a workaround for JDK-8056066
    public static class Instance extends org.graalvm.compiler.phases.Phase {
        protected void run(StructuredGraph graph) {
            createBytecodeParser(graph, null, graph.method(), graph.getEntryBCI(), initialIntrinsicContext).buildRootMethod();

        /* Hook for subclasses of Instance to provide a subclass of BytecodeParser. */
        protected BytecodeParser createBytecodeParser(StructuredGraph graph, BytecodeParser parent, ResolvedJavaMethod method, int entryBCI, IntrinsicContext intrinsicContext) {
            return new BytecodeParser(this, graph, parent, method, entryBCI, intrinsicContext);


    protected BytecodeParser(GraphBuilderPhase.Instance graphBuilderInstance, StructuredGraph graph, BytecodeParser parent, ResolvedJavaMethod method,
                    int entryBCI, IntrinsicContext intrinsicContext) {
        this.bytecodeProvider = intrinsicContext == null ? new ResolvedJavaMethodBytecodeProvider() : intrinsicContext.getBytecodeProvider();
        this.code = bytecodeProvider.getBytecode(method);
        this.method = code.getMethod();
... = new BytecodeStream(code.getCode());


 * A utility class that makes iterating over bytecodes and reading operands simpler and less error
 * prone. For example, it handles the {@link Bytecodes#WIDE} instruction and wide variants of
 * instructions internally.
public final class BytecodeStream {

    private final byte[] code;
    private int opcode;
    private int curBCI;
    private int nextBCI;

     * Creates a new {@code BytecodeStream} for the specified bytecode.
     * @param code the array of bytes that contains the bytecode
    public BytecodeStream(byte[] code) {
        assert code != null;
        this.code = code;

BCIはByteCode Index(バイトコードインデックス)です。BytecodeStreamからJavaバイトコード命令を1つずつ取り出せます。

     * Advances to the next bytecode.
    public void next() {
     * Sets the bytecode index to the specified value. If {@code bci} is beyond the end of the
     * array, {@link #currentBC} will return {@link Bytecodes#END} and other methods may throw
     * {@link ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException}.
     * @param bci the new bytecode index
    public void setBCI(int bci) {
        curBCI = bci;
        if (curBCI < code.length) {
            opcode = Bytes.beU1(code, bci);
            assert opcode < Bytecodes.BREAKPOINT : "illegal bytecode";
            nextBCI = bci + lengthOf();
        } else {
            opcode = Bytecodes.END;
            nextBCI = curBCI;
     * Gets the current opcode. This method will never return the {@link Bytecodes#WIDE WIDE}
     * opcode, but will instead return the opcode that is modified by the {@code WIDE} opcode.
     * @return the current opcode; {@link Bytecodes#END} if at or beyond the end of the code
    public int currentBC() {
        if (opcode == Bytecodes.WIDE) {
            return Bytes.beU1(code, curBCI + 1);
        } else {
            return opcode;


 * Definitions of the standard Java bytecodes defined by
 * <a href= ""> Java
 * Virtual Machine Specification</a>.
public class Bytecodes {

    public static final int NOP                  =   0; // 0x00
    public static final int ACONST_NULL          =   1; // 0x01
    public static final int ICONST_M1            =   2; // 0x02

    protected void buildRootMethod() {
        FrameStateBuilder startFrameState = new FrameStateBuilder(this, code, graph);
        startFrameState.initializeForMethodStart(graph.getAssumptions(), graphBuilderConfig.eagerResolving() || intrinsicContext != null, graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins());

        try (IntrinsicScope s = intrinsicContext != null ? new IntrinsicScope(this) : null) {
            build(graph.start(), startFrameState);

    protected void build(FixedWithNextNode startInstruction, FrameStateBuilder startFrameState) {
            // compute the block map, setup exception handlers and get the entrypoint(s)
            BciBlockMapping newMapping = BciBlockMapping.create(stream, code, options, graph.getDebug());


    protected void build(FixedWithNextNode startInstruction, FrameStateBuilder startFrameState) {
            // compute the block map, setup exception handlers and get the entrypoint(s)
            BciBlockMapping newMapping = BciBlockMapping.create(stream, code, options, graph.getDebug());
            BciBlock[] blocks = blockMap.getBlocks();
            for (BciBlock block : blocks) {


    protected void processBlock(BciBlock block) {

    protected void iterateBytecodesForBlock(BciBlock block) {
        int bci = block.startBci;
        int opcode = stream.currentBC();
         processBytecode(bci, opcode);


    public final void processBytecode(int bci, int opcode) {
        int cpi;
        switch (opcode) {
            case NOP            : /* nothing to do */ break;
            case ACONST_NULL    : frameState.push(JavaKind.Object, appendConstant(JavaConstant.NULL_POINTER)); break;
            case ICONST_M1      : // fall through
            case ICONST_0       : // fall through
            case INVOKEVIRTUAL  : cpi = stream.readCPI(); genInvokeVirtual(cpi, opcode); break;
            case INVOKESPECIAL  : cpi = stream.readCPI(); genInvokeSpecial(cpi, opcode); break;
            case INVOKESTATIC   : cpi = stream.readCPI(); genInvokeStatic(cpi, opcode); break;
            case INVOKEINTERFACE: cpi = stream.readCPI(); genInvokeInterface(cpi, opcode); break;
            case INVOKEDYNAMIC  : cpi = stream.readCPI4(); genInvokeDynamic(cpi, opcode); break;

cpiはコンスタントプールのインデックスです(Constant Pool Index)。オペコードでの単純なswitch文です。各ケースでのgenInvoke...()内は難しいコードで何のために何をやっているのか読めませんでしたが、こんな感じでグラフにノードを追加している部分はありました。

    protected Invoke createNonInlinedInvoke(ExceptionEdgeAction exceptionEdge, int invokeBci, ValueNode[] invokeArgs, ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod,
                    InvokeKind invokeKind, JavaKind resultType, JavaType returnType, JavaTypeProfile profile) {
        MethodCallTargetNode callTarget = graph.add(createMethodCallTarget(invokeKind, targetMethod, invokeArgs, returnStamp, profile));
